When we communicate, we do so not just through the content of our speech, but actually and most importantly through the way we present ourselves. The overall effect of voice, language and body language is what defines our unique individual presence.

Sometimes the presence does not correspond to the person.
Often it is not fully developed.
Almost never are we aware of it.
That’s where I come in.

Working on your voice, language and body language can create clarity in the way you carry yourself – not just outwardly, but even more so inwardly: Your motives, your values and attitudes, your strengths and boundaries are all defining characteristics of your nature and are reflected in your manner. Positive or negative, they cannot be denied.

Which is a good thing, because from them we can develop a completely individual, authentic and vibrant presence that is consistent with your personality – so you can fulfil your professional role more skilfully, communicate your ideas with conviction and engage with others on clear terms.

In other words: so you can be effective


I start where others leave off.

The basic principles of my work are rooted in my training in the fields of voice and public-speaking instruction, singing, bodywork, communication, education, psychology, medicine and guided imagery.

As a consequence, a compelling presence is something I view not just from a single perspective, but always in its totality.

This is how we achieve personalised results:
Only by working with you individually can we tap into your resources – untangling them like a ball of yarn – which is how we work our way to the core of your personality. The result is a powerful and authentic self-presentation that goes far beyond rhetorical tricks.



Escape your constraints.

I work with individuals as well as groups.

Individual Consulting

In a one-to-one consultation I accompany you, and you alone, into your personal work situation. We work on your distinctive attitude and concentrate on your individual goals, working together to create the itinerary for our collaboration. At the centre of this personal journey is the process of working on your strengths.

Group Consulting

In group consultations, I work with a maximum of eight participants, usually focusing on one or more specific areas such as public speaking, voice training, presentations or professional roles. Although the emphasis in group work is more on particular topics, I still work very individually with each participant. That’s because each individual brings to the table their own subjects to work on, in the form of their voice, body language and posture.

I am available to work short-term,when you have a speech, presentation or important decision coming up, or long-term, to effect a fundamental change in the way you present yourself professionally.

Subject Areas

Below you’ll find the range of areas I work in, to give you a taste of the possibilities. All these topics are interwoven, yet they can also be addressed separately.

The best thing is for you to call or e-mail me. Only by communicating with you can I identify possible priorities for our work together. Then I can put together a personalised package for you.


A partner you can trust.

The work I do with my clients is a very personal process, founded on deep and mutual trust. I have therefore chosen not to share a list of detailed references here, since I feel that doing so would undermine that trust.

My expertise is the product of more than twenty years of working with corporate groups, service firms and small- and medium-sized businesses. I work with executives and politicians at every level, and with teams and individuals in many sectors, including the automotive industry, banking, pharmaceuticals, aviation, politics, media companies, radio, television, social services and public health.


Ulrike Pahl

Voice- and Speech Work
Presentation Work

Berlin – London

Address Goethestraße 58
D – 10625 Berlin
Tel +49 (0) 162 / 3324667


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